Whiskey the Horse (c. 1911-1943)

Whiskey the Horse
Whiskey, the famed Army horse at Fort Snelling, with Captain W.R. Hazelrigg, his trainer.(1934)
In 1921, a ten-year-old chestnut gelding named Whiskey was sent from Fort Reno, Oklahoma, to Fort Snelling. Slated for the Army’s Third Infantry, Whiskey's rebellious and wild nature quickly earned him the label 'renegade. This erratic disposition made him a poor fit for a life of discipline.

Around the same time, Lt. William Hazelrigg arrived at the fort for a five-year assignment. An experienced rider, he saw potential in the unwanted horse and chose him as his mount. Quickly recognizing the Whiskey's intelligence, Hazelrigg began training him. Soon, the pair were mainstays on local polo and exhibition circuits.

Named for his distinctive gait, Whiskey had longer back legs than front, creating a unique, almost drunken-looking walk. Despite this, his jumping was exceptional. Whiskey quickly became a fantastic jumper, winning more blue ribbons and prizes than any horse in the US Army.

Hazelrigg and Whiskey became inseparable, and the horse would do anything his trainer asked. During exhibitions, Whiskey's incredible feats included jumping a six-foot-high flame hurdle, clearing a team of mules in a running jump, and even walking down the steps of the fort’s mess hall. He could jump over a table with eight people dining without disturbing them. After each astonishing performance, Whiskey would bow to the cheering crowd.

In April 1926, the US Army sent Lt. Hazelrigg and his family to the Philippines for a two-year assignment. Hazelrigg requested to bring Whiskey, but Army officials denied the request due to quarantine regulations. If Whiskey went to the Philippines, he wouldn't be allowed back into the United States. Hazelrigg departed for Manila, leaving Whiskey behind at Fort Snelling.

It was believed that Whiskey would only respond to Hazelrigg, ending his exhibition career. However, after a sulking briefly following Hazelrigg's departure, Whiskey partnered with Mrs. Walter O'Brien, the wife of a Fort Snelling captain. Soon, he was back in the spotlight.

Local newspapers reported in December 1927 that Lt. Hazelrigg would soon return to the United States. Many believed he would be reunited with Whiskey. Hazelrigg had left believing he could buy the horse upon his return, but Army regulations had changed. The Army deemed Whiskey too valuable to sell.

Hazelrigg visited Whiskey at Fort Snelling in October 1928. The two performed a series of tricks in front of a teary-eyed audience.

In August 1929, Captain O’Brien received orders to transfer to Honolulu. HI. Mrs. O’Brien traveled with her husband. Once again, Whiskey was separated from someone close to him. Captain Raymond T. Seymour became his primary rider.

Hazelrigg, now a captain in the US Army, was never entirely out of Whiskey’s life. Over the years, his travels occasionally found him back at Fort Snelling — if only for a short visit. As soon as he was able, he’d seek out Whiskey to say hello. No matter the time apart, the horse always perked up when he heard his first trainer’s low whistle. The two old friends never forgot each other.

At twenty-five, Whiskey retired to the fort's old cavalry stables in August 1936. Recognizing his positive impact on soldier morale, the Army allowed him to remain at Fort Snelling. Whiskey enjoyed his retirement, spending his days frolicking in the fields and playing with other horses and mules. While he performed a few times over the next seven years, retirement was his primary focus.

Hazelrigg, now a colonel, visited Whiskey in September 1943. Despite their long separation, their affection remained strong. Whiskey nuzzled his former trainer, and they shared a heartfelt moment that Hazelrigg later described as a "confidential talk." Sadly, it was their final visit.

Whiskey passed away on December 30, 1943, at the age of thirty-two. On New Year's Day, at 11:30 AM, he was buried with full military honors near his longtime grazing pasture. The death of this award-winning horse marked the end of an era where horse riding was a significant part of the US Army.

But Whiskey's story didn't end there.

During the construction of Highway 55 in the 1960s, Whiskey's grave was relocated near the Bishop Whipple Federal Building on the fort grounds. However, this wasn't the end of his relocations. In 2002, the Hiawatha light rail line was built near Whiskey's burial site. Due to construction, his remains were moved once again. On June 14, 2002, Whiskey was reburied near the picnic grounds of Fort Snelling, with onlookers and descendants of his former trainer present.

His gravestone, surrounded by a white picket fence, read:

“Whiskey, a great horse; a stout heart.”

This work is licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC 4.0

The Location Today

See For Yourself

This location is part of the statewide Museum Without Walls exhibit.


  • Meier, Peg. "Fort Snelling's Famous Horse to be Reburied." Minneapolis Star Tribune, May 29, 2002, B3.
  • "Famed Horse to Rejoin Master." The Minneapolis Journal, December 18, 1927, 19.
  • "Q&A on the News." Minneapolis Star Tribune, August 13, 2003, A2.
  • "Whiskey, Famous Snelling Horse, Has Reunion With Old Trainer." The Minneapolis Star, September 6, 1943, 13.
  • Paulu, Nancy. "Whiskey -- a horse to remember." The Minneapolis Star, December 11, 1973, 31.
  • Slovak, Marilyn L. "Smartest Horse in the U.S. Army: Whiskey of Fort Snelling." Minnesota History 61, no. 8 (Winter 2009), 336 - 345.
  • "Whiskey of Fort Snelling." Globetrotting. Last modified October 31, 2018. https://www.globetrotting.com.au/whiskey-of-fort-snelling/.
  • "Whiskey the Military Horse." Boat Shoes And Button Downs. Last modified August 11, 2014. https://prepwithtwist.blogspot.com/2014/08/whiskey-military-horse-on-bluff.html.

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